Tag Archives: nauvoo temple

The City Beautiful


I was able to go and visit the place I served my LDS mission for 18 months during 2009-2010. That wonderful place is Nauvoo, Illinois! In all honesty, it is very out of the way and it would be hard to find it if you were not looking for it. But! The place holds significant value in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and, as I was able to remember this past week, my life! I cannot even begin to describe to you how much peace I felt on this trip! I think I will save that for another post when I show all my pictures 🙂 For the time being, here is a video that we took while we were there for my mama! My wonderful friend Shannon came on the trip with me from Arizona and we met up with our friend Adam who lives out that way and is going to dental school. I really could not have been with two happier or more enjoyable people! I am just so blessed! Anyway- here is the video 🙂

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