Category Archives: Videos

summa summa summa tiiiime

OK. I think many if not all people may have lost complete interest in my life. Which is fine. Hann’s life is actually a lot more exciting and stuff. She’s having a child. (Which, I actually knew about for a long time but couldn’t say anything for a LONG TIME!!!!! Try holding the most exciting secret of your life in for that long. Crazy biz.) Anyways! For the sake of my yet-to-have-a-father-or-be-brought-into-existence posterity, I thought I would share some highlights of the summer. Because really- it has been the best summer of life. I will tell you why. I’m living at home in the beautiful Northwest (not the child), not working, watching lots of babies, and getting to be around people I love. Oh and I get to go to barre and the lake like every day too. Really. Ideal. I mean, I realize I need a job and all and have been working that out (pray for my soul) but! Have no fear. God is good. And I know things will work out. Right now I just cannot even thank Him enough for letting me have this beautiful summer! The pictures! There are lots. But I don’t necessarily apologize for it because if you are reading this I imagine you like me as a person and might be fairly interested in my life and well being. For which, I thank you. I really have the best friends. I was thinking that just today. I have been blessed with probably the most amazing friends this world has ever known. So thanks, homey. Because if you are reading this, guaranteed you are one of them. Love you too much 🙂 But still. Picture overload. Be prepaaaaaared (-scar).

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I think this was one of the last days of school? just getting our splits on. goodness i miss that child. i miss all the children. i’m going to start crying.


i graduated. i think this is one of the only pictures that hasn’t been posted somewhere on the internets. LOVE this girl too much. AND she just got married. what a gem.

Last Day of School! I miss my ninos too much. Like cried about it (maybe still do)

Last Day of School! I miss my ninos too much. Like cried about it (maybe still do)


Up at Priest Lake for one last hurrah before Buddy left. Hann was being pregnant here even though no one knew she was pregnant yet. Except me I know everything always…


just looking reeeeeaal good


Brother graduated!!!!! SO proud of this smartest kid. You know how hard it is for me to say... but he actually graduated with the highest GPA out of all of us!

Brother graduated!!!!! SO proud of this smartest kid. You know how hard it is for me to say… but he actually graduated with the highest GPA out of all of us!

a creepy lake/hike thing that almost cap sized...

a creepy lake/hike thing that almost cap sized…

Baby's Graduation from Elementary

Baby’s Graduation from Elementary

Gus graduated from BYU-Idaho! What a smarty smart kid.

Gus graduated from BYU-Idaho! What a smarty smart kid.



love this bebe tooooo much!!!!!

love this bebe tooooo much!!!!!



Hann's best part

Hann’s best elephant ears

my best baby of the summer at our sister's dance performance. just bein cute.

my best baby of the summer at our sister’s dance performance. just bein cute.



on the 4th of July we played legos for like ... a long time. and we made up a cult. The cult's name was the Cult of the Rapture and their leader was Batmunk. His minions were called the plunger heads. And those NBA players (Pao Gasol and I forget who else) were used as catapults to throw lego heads at our enemies (kinda like the Orcs).

on the 4th of July we played legos for like … a long time. and we made up a cult. The cult’s name was the Cult of the Rapture and their leader was Batmunk. His minions were called the plunger heads. And those NBA players (Pao Gasol and I forget who else) were used as catapults to throw lego heads at our enemies (kinda like the Orcs).


I won two challenges at Pure Barre this summer. Free shirt and water bottle. Too proud of myself over here. “All the money in the world is no substitute for hard work and ingenuity.” -Spanky MacFarland

literally went to the lake every day. well except sunday. and took ONE selfie in my cool glasses i got for being a master. that's what they do they give you sunglasses when you graduate.

literally went to the lake every day. well except sunday. and took ONE selfie in my cool glasses i got for being a master. that’s what they do they give you sunglasses when you graduate.


THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME AN AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST THING OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


just so looking forward to making sure this baby girl is a little mini-Sara. muahahahahahahahahahaha

i did reading and math groups with the neighborhood kids. this was our project for when we read the BFG. it was a dream jar. too fun. love that book.

i did reading and math groups with the neighborhood kids. this was our project for when we read the BFG. it was a dream jar. too fun. love that book.

Hann and I went to Seattle for one last sister hurrah because we love being with each other (thanks Corey and Casey for letting us stay over! you da best )

Hann and I went to Seattle for one last sister hurrah because we love being with each other (thanks Corey and Casey for letting us stay over! you da best )

Our first time going to the Seattle temple as big kids! We loved it! Hann is just rockin that baby bump too if I do say so myself.

Our first time going to the Seattle temple as big kids! We loved it! Hann is just rockin that baby bump too if I do say so myself.

my favorite Adam Bahr came to visit on his way back to dental school and went hiking with me and my homegirls who I always am with (not even joking, these are like my best girls that I hang out with all the time #coolkid)

my favorite Adam Bahr came to visit on his way back to dental school and went hiking with me and my homegirls who I always am with (not even joking, these are like my best girls that I hang out with all the time #coolkid) also- it was starting to like monsoon on our way back down the mountain and the girls were freaking out a little (a lot)


we have this thing that we always do now where we segregate the family into white and brown. we don’t mean to. but it’s been happening a lot lately. so we decided to document it. (also- excuse how jacked my arm looks)


babes and I on the last tube ride of the summer (we put the boat away yesterday). yes, I am wearing a sweatshirt. it was like 70 degrees out. which i know for a fact no arizona person could have handled and survived. but don't we look so happy?!?!?

babes and I on the last tube ride of the summer (we put the boat away yesterday). yes, I am wearing a sweatshirt. it was like 70 degrees out. which i know for a fact no arizona person could have handled and survived. but don’t we look so happy?!?!?

some videos for good measure

careless whispering with hann


in summation- this summer has been FANTASTIC! and I’m not sure if I forgot anything? maybe I’ll post again soon. in the meantime, please bless I get a job. thank you.  

Happy: 2nd Grade Edition aka trust me you want to watch this

I made this video for my kids as their end-of-the-year present. We worked on it on Friday and then I finished it up over the weekend. I’m burning them all a copy so they can remember how crazy we were 🙂

I thought I loved my class last year, but it just pales in comparison to this year. I would like to think that my capacity to love expands and grows each year and I truly do not even know how I could love anyone more than these baby ninos. They are the best people. I cry watching this because I will miss them too much!

BUT! It is also hilarious. Hope you enjoy!

Viva Mexico: Our Last Family Vacation Together for (at least) Two Years

Knowing that Daniel will be going on his mission this summer, the fam wanted one last hurrah. So! We went on a cruise to Mexico. Seems to be a vacation of choice amongst the Picardo’s. Here is the promised video.

Much thanks to Hann for coming in and inspiring me to finish it/mostly just finishing it herself.